we the living

the fact remains, that all WE are concerned about is "I"; & its pretty necessary to be that way..but we are unable to do without the others..they make us feel what we are..blogs have a similiar purpose...nothing much different..so here are WE trying to live the way our world takes us; we really cant afford to be a loner,can we??

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

3rd post

hazaroo khwaishein aise ki har khwaishein ki dam nikli.....
thats what galib says ...but than can we really keep a count of our dreams....?..
or maybe substitute one for the other.....or limit it to accomodate to my well packaged life.......

its te only natural thing tht happens to us without any manipulation....isnt tht the only good thing about sleep...that the dreams can come & go on their own accord..unpertubed by our speudo existence...often, being the only urge from inside that makes us function so normally in this otherwise so very unnatural reality of everyday living..

dreams are those blocks that gets moulded from our undiscovered self....it alone can make us happy without a reason...take us by surprise...is that me really???
they are like short lived bubbles that bursts only to show me there are so many reason to be happy about...& so few justification of trying to pretend to be not myself....

but let the dreams be only for the present ;as i m now....giving me the intense feeling of silent happiness that comes from within to be with me....and for me to share it with you...maybe..


Blogger ankit-we the loving said...

You have put jaan in bejaan words in the third post.Compliments.
Dreams are the reflection of our urge for happiness which lies in our 'avchetan man'.In a dream we assume the role of doer as well as witness. This phenomena is missing when we are not in a sleeping state which may not ne nindra but a tandra, We are just doers then, no 'sakshi bhav' i.e. witness role.Happiness is nothing but our companion from the birth,rather we are Happuness, only we burden it with our ifs/buts shoulds/..nots etc. and the lever become heavier than the load in the process.
Hazaron.....bahut nikle mere 'arman' fir bhi kam nikle.Let us read 'arman' as 'dreams' not desires and see the magic. Regards.

February 8, 2008 at 8:04 PM  
Blogger ankit-we the loving said...

have you read this post too? your 'comments' on my first post/posts are like a summary trial....

February 10, 2008 at 9:18 AM  
Blogger ankit-we the loving said...

"What if you slept?
And what if,
In your sleep,
you dreamed?
And what if,
In your dream,
You went to heaven
And plucked
A strange and
Beautiful flower?
And what if,
When you awoke,
you had the flower
In your hand?"
These words of Samuel Taylor Coleridge inspires us to live more in our imagination.Let us give freedom to ourselves to wander into unfamiliar territory of our mind and to explore new possibilities in our fantasies,excluding nothing.These
imaginative meanderings will ultimately beacome the catalysts for living unlimited life.
Our imagination, just like our body, grows thru exercise.Let us Wake up and hold that flower in our hand.
ANKIT says: just want to share the above beautiful read with you and know your comments.

February 22, 2008 at 11:42 AM  
Blogger ani said...

well its a lovely poem...and all i can think of as the beautiful flower..is our unknown inner self...the more we get closer to it...the more we feel tht its only me who is solely responsible for my own happiness...it really doesnt depend on anything beyond..& nobody can stop me frm being happy or even sad, if i wish to be...but the dreams i m talking abt are not fantacies..they exist in reality...just tht i m not aware of thm...where to look for thm..but thy are actually thre...and only when i sleep can i disconnect myself from all my binding..its the only place whr i can be just ME...without a past or a future...thts whn i am totally free to wander into all unknown corners of my self...maybe find something strangely new & thn wake up everyday with a little more of myself...tht cud well make me a stranger to many...but for me..its getting closer to life, to myself, to everybody out thr...but we have to live it out in reality...dream is just a simple process to get closer to myself & living & loving...

February 25, 2008 at 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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November 12, 2012 at 10:46 PM  
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November 19, 2012 at 1:35 AM  

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